Thursday, January 30, 2014

Detour: The Portrayal of Women

     When I first read the question about the portrayal of women in Detour on blackboard I figured it would be a very simple and straightforward answer. When Sue explains to Al that she is going to travel to L.A. to pursue her dreams, Al was not very supportive and a bit rude. Because of this, I figured throughout the movie women would be treated as the inferior. However, Vera came along and really made this question a lot more interesting. I described Vera in my notes as bossy, inconsiderate, demanding, and a word that starts with B and rhymes with itchy. Vera seemed to really have all of the power over Al throughout the film. The interesting part of this film was Ulmer’s ability to create a likeable character such as Sue and then bring Vera into the film and really create an interesting plot twist. Al could never catch a break.

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