Thursday, February 20, 2014

Killer of Sheep: Random, Historical, and Frustrating

This film was most definitely a difficult one to watch. There were a few questions that I kept repeating in my head while watching this film, but the most common question was when is something interesting going to happen? Killer of Sheep was basically a film that consisted of a bunch of random scenes that lead to nothing. It was not until after I watched the film that I started searching for the purpose of this film. Little did I know that this genre of film was at times used to simply represent the daily routines of African Americans and of the working man. This film did just that. While watching Killer of Sheep I found myself scrolling over the time bar many times to make sure there was enough time in the film for the "big climax" to occur... it didn't. I do not enjoy extremely slow moving movies and I think that is one of the main reason Killer of Sheep was so difficult to watch.

To be honest, while watching Killer of Sheep I wanted to shut it off because I began to get really frustrated that nothing was happening except kids throwing rocks and adults having conversations that did not go anywhere. However, after watching the film and reading the assigned article and some other google searches I now have a decent understanding of Burnett's purpose and the purpose of many L.A. Film School films similar to Killer of Sheep. Although I now understand the historical influence that Watts' had on this film, I won't be seeing Killer of Sheep a second time.

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